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Five Minute Plan to Evacuate

5 minuite plan

In 2018, California had one of the deadliest and most destructive fire seasons ever with over 1.8 million acres burned.  We are working now to better prepare our communities for wildfires and disasters.  One focus has been to increase the access to safety information that gives our residents what they need to plan and prepare.  Clear Creek Community Services District is working with Pacific Gas & Electric Company on this and we hope it makes all the difference in keeping everyone safe.

People are being asked to prepare a Five Minute Plan to evacuate their homes immediately and watch for Red Flag Warnings.  Evacuation orders mean you have to leave right away to avoid getting stuck.  Preparing a Five Minute Plan gets your family ready to go quickly once you are ordered to leave.

There are steps that must be taken in order to be able to leave in 5 minutes.

  • Mark evacuation routes on a map
  • Plan where to go if you can't come home
  • Put together an emergency supply kit
  • Explain your plan to children
  • Practice leaving your home in 5 minutes.